Once you have found your place in Sunday School, it is time to engage in service.  Whatever your skills, talents, and gifts, there is a place for you to contribute. Check below for options, or contact the Church to create new opportunities to serve.

  • Nursery Care

    Enjoy working with infants and toddlers? Consider volunteering in the nursery. Childcare is provided during the weekly Sunday services and sometimes on special occasions.

  • Lighthouse Children

    In the Lighthouse Children there is always room for people who want to serve. Children come together weekly for Sunday School, Children's Church, Wednesday services, and special events held on and off-site.

  • Lighthouse Youth

    The Lighthouse Youth meet every Sunday morning and night, as well as engaging in other activities throughout the week, which include local mission projects, prayer events, and fellowship opportunities. There's fun, laughter, prayer, and learning about how to please God.

  • Music ministry

    Our Music Ministry is always looking to welcome new members. If you love to worship God through singing, playing an instrument, or both then we would love to have you join our Worship Team!


    Acts 1:8 admonishes us to be witnesses for Christ, in our hometown, state, nation, and world. The FBCM family takes this command to heart and participates in numerous mission and outreach activities throughout the year. From providing meals to local First Responders and educators, collecting gifts and items for relief needs, or going on mission to South America, there's always a way for you to help.


    Want to help with the technical aspects of the Sunday service? Volunteers who can learn to operate the soundboard, computer, and cameras are always needed.


    Do you enjoy taking pictures and videos? Consider capturing the regular worship services as well as special events for First Baptist. This service greatly helps enhance our Website and Social Media presence, and the result documents the history of our church family!


    Have a talent or gift you'd like to use? Have an hour or two free during the week? There are always ways to serve, including:

    • Teaching a class or leading a Bible Study
    • Serving on a Ministry Team
    • Picking up trash in the yard
    • Completing small repairs or maintenance tasks
    • Visiting home-bound or hospitalized members
    • Decorating and preparing for special events
    • Replacing light bulbs or other supplies
    • Etc...